The Harbour
We are a community of Christ followers who meet at the Newmarket SilverCity on Sundays at 10:00AM and throughout the week in various homes. For more information, please email sarah.lyew@theharbournewmarket.ca.
The Harbour
Mark 1
As we open a new season as a church community, we will be spending this fall working through the Gospel of Mark. Today, we dive into Mark 1.
Please find the slide deck for this week's teaching here.
Home Church questions:
1. Have you ever had a situation where it started really well? How did that impact your experience? What about the opposite - from the start it was a hot mess? What made it a good or bad start?
2. If you have time, read all of Mark 1 together. If not, check out Mark 1:9-13, 16-20 and 40-45. What stood out? What do you have questions about?
3. Sarah started with the background of Mark - who wrote it and how it fits. Was there anything in there that was a “new learn”? Anything that gave helpful insight?
4. Mark 1 started at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and was pretty action packed, but communicates a lot about who Jesus is and the way He lived. He started with His identity as beloved Son, He led in and through community, He gave out of His overflow and He prioritized people. Reflecting on your own life, do you reflect those pieces of Jesus? Is there one you struggle with? Is there one or two that feel easier for you?
5. Why do you think Peter, Andrew, James and John left and followed Jesus?
6. In the story of the leper, put yourself on the sidelines. How do you think you would have reacted? How do you think watching that would have impacted you?
Take time to pray together.
This week, if Jesus brings to mind someone ask Jesus to show you what He loves about them as His kid. If you’re feeling extra brave, share that with them.
Be in touch. Send us a text here.
Instagram: @theharbournewmarket
Website: theharbournewmarket.ca
Email: sarah.lyew@theharbournewmarket.ca