The Harbour
We are a community of Christ followers who meet at the Newmarket SilverCity on Sundays at 10:00AM and throughout the week in various homes. For more information, please email sarah.lyew@theharbournewmarket.ca.
Podcasting since 2024 • 25 episodes
The Harbour
Latest Episodes
I Am the Truth
This week, Sarah Lyew explores what Jesus meant when he said "I am the truth". Truth is a loaded and contentious topic these days with many people claiming it as their own or even building social media platforms in its name. When Jesus claimed ...
Season 1
Episode 25

I Am the Light of the World
Today, as we resume our "I Am..." series, we welcome our friend Jared Erhardt as he teaches on Jesus being the light of mercy. In the teaching, Jared quotes American pastor and theologian Brian Zahnd: "To be on the wrong side of mercy is to be ...
Season 1
Episode 24

Celebration Sunday
This morning, we celebrated the launch of The Harbour with a Chili Cook-Off party and a teaching from Colin McCartney, the leader of Connect City, our new church partner. Colin shared what it means to be a wounded healer and how, at The Harbour...
Season 1
Episode 23