The Harbour

Mark 4

Newmarket BIC Season 1 Episode 4

This morning, Brian Waugh takes us back one chapter into Mark 4. PLEASE NOTE: we had some technical issues with the microphone early on so you'll please excuse the poor recording quality in the early going of this sermon.

Please find the slide deck for this week's teaching here.

Home Church Questions:

1. Read Mark 4. What stands out to you from this passage?

2. The parables are similes in the form of, "The King of God is like…" Remembering that Jesus used simple, at-hand terms of life, how would you write your own parable?

3. What is your favourite parable in the New Testament? Why that one?

4. What do the elements of the parable reveal about…
             The Sower
             The Soil
             The Return

5. Best gardening tips: what is revealed to you about…
             Sleeping sower
             Size of the seed

6. How is your boat cruise going?
            Storms and balancing the reality of Jesus in our boat
            The sense of indifference to our condition

Be in touch. Send us a text here.

Instagram: @theharbournewmarket