The Harbour

Mark 7

Newmarket BIC Season 1 Episode 6

Today, Sarah Lyew takes us through Mark 7 paying special attention to the strange story of the syrophoenician woman. Why did Jesus initially decline to heal her daughter? What can we learn about our own callings through this story?

Please find the slide deck for this week's teaching here.

Home Church Questions:

1. When you hear the word “purpose” what do you think of?

2. Can you think of a company that lost its purpose/why? Did it grow their company?

3. Why is purpose helpful? Where would it hurt?

4. Read Mark 7:24-30. What stood out to you? After listening to Sarah’s teaching, did the story make sense?

5. Jesus could have done a lot of things with His time on earth. From what you know of the gospels and Jesus, what would you say Jesus’s purpose was? Why do you think that’s what he was focused on?

6. What is essential for someone to know their purpose?

7. Sarah suggested that you have a place in the Kindgom where your wiring and purpose matter. It can change with the seasons and as you grow, but that you have a gifts and a story that when combined with purpose can allow the church to carry out its purpose. Do you believe that? How would your closest person describe your gifting? Your purpose?

8. Do you feel like you have a place to use your gifting in the Kingdom? What would that look like?

This week, are there some spots in your life where you need some clarity? Do you know your gifts? Your passion? Take some time to journal and reflect on questions you have about yourself and where Jesus’s invitation into the Kingdom is for you.

Be in touch. Send us a text here.

Instagram: @theharbournewmarket