The Harbour
We are a community of Christ followers who meet at the Newmarket SilverCity on Sundays at 10:00AM and throughout the week in various homes. For more information, please email sarah.lyew@theharbournewmarket.ca.
The Harbour
Mark 10
This morning we welcome Colin McCartney of Connect City to our community to share a teaching on Mark 10, specifically the portion about Jesus welcoming the children. There is also a brief Question-and-Response portion after the teaching with Colin and Sarah Lyew. You may notice that we've gone out of order again. That's alright! We'll come back to Mark 8 and Mark 9 in subsequent weeks.
Home Church Questions:
1. Colin offered the following quotation from Neil Postman: "Children are the living messages we send to a future we will not see." What does this mean? How can it inform the way that we think about our present moment?
2. What stood out to you from Sunday's teaching?
3. Read Mark 10:13-16 (ideally in multiple translations). What stands out to you from this passage?
4. Why do you think the disciples tried to turn the kids away?
5. What are some ways in which we try to keep Jesus all to ourselves?
6. Why do you think Jesus was indignant?
7. What does it look like to have a church that belongs to the next generation?
8. What does it look like to bless generations that come after us? In other words, what does it look like to build a church for our great grandkids? What kind of church do you hope to leave behind?
Be in touch. Send us a text here.
Instagram: @theharbournewmarket
Website: theharbournewmarket.ca
Email: sarah.lyew@theharbournewmarket.ca