The Harbour
We are a community of Christ followers who meet at the Newmarket SilverCity on Sundays at 10:00AM and throughout the week in various homes. For more information, please email sarah.lyew@theharbournewmarket.ca.
The Harbour
Mark 10
This morning, Dave Blow revisits Mark 10 to focus on the story of Jesus speaking with the Rich Young Ruler and the cost of discipleship. How are we to understand material wealth in light of the Kingdom of God? Many thanks to Brooklyn for reading our scripture today!
Please find the slide deck for this week's teaching here.
Home Church Questions:
1. How are you navigating the AI world? Do you find it useful? Are there
dangers in becoming too dependant on it?
2. In Sunday’s teaching, Dave said, “We’ve been taught to read it [the Bible] as
a hierarchical text through the centuries by powers and authorities that
wanted it read as a narrative of divine subservience.” What are the dangers
of reading the scriptures with this 'top down' approach?
3. Read Mark 10:17-27. What themes in this passage stand out to you?
4. Money Money Money. How do we sort it all out? Can material wealth and
following Jesus coexist? Why or why not? What does that look like in this
day of such need?
5. Can you share an example of material blessing being used to further the
agenda of Jesus?
Be in touch. Send us a text here.
Instagram: @theharbournewmarket
Website: theharbournewmarket.ca
Email: sarah.lyew@theharbournewmarket.ca