The Harbour

Mark 9

Newmarket BIC Season 1 Episode 11

This morning, Sarah Lyew concludes (for now) our series on the Gospel of Mark by taking a look at the account of Jesus's transfiguration. This event obviously has much to say about Jesus's divinity, but what we can learn about his humanity through this story?

Please find the slide deck for this week's teaching here.

Just a quick programming note: we will begin our Advent series next week and for the month of December. Following the holidays, we will be taking a look at the book of Proverbs while reading through each chapter, one per day during January, as a community. We will come back to the remaining chapters of the Gospel of Mark during Lent and concluding on Easter weekend.

Home Church Questions:

1. Who is someone in your life that is your “cheerleader” or who helps you gather courage?

2. Read Mark 9:2-13. What stands out to you from this passage? Is there a word or phrase that stands out?

3. If you had heard this story before, what was your impression of it then? Was there anything new in rereading it now or in what Sarah shared?

4. Sarah talked about the mountains where Moses and Elijah both met God when they were stepping into a new season. She pointed to this perhaps being a similar experience for Jesus. How does it change the story for you that this was a moment of not only Jesus’s divinity but also his humanity?

5. Have you ever had a mountain moment of your own, where you were in a trying season and God met you? If you’re comfortable, please share with the group.

6. Think of your “gather courage” moments. Who stepped into that moment with you? What helped?

This week, take time to reflect on what it takes to be more vulnerable in your relationship with Jesus. Does that feel easy or a bit overwhelming? What about with your inner circle?

Is there someone in your life who you notice may need a “courage encouragement”? What does it look like for you to come alongside them to be their encouragement?

Be in touch. Send us a text here.

Instagram: @theharbournewmarket