The Harbour

Advent 1: Elizabeth

Season 1 Episode 12

Today, Sarah Lyew helps us start the Advent season by sharing about the hope in the disappointment found in the story of Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist. Please excuse the brief moment at 19:38 where the mic cuts out. Don't panic! Sarah returns 10 seconds later.

Please find the slide deck for this week's teaching here.

Home Church Questions:

1. What’s the most disappointing meal or trip you’ve had?

2. What stood out to you from Sunday's teaching?

3. Read Luke 1:5-28, 24-25, 39-45. What stands out to you from this passage?

4. Can you identify other stories from the Bible that are similar to this story?

5. Reread verse 6 (if possible, in a few different translations). What do you think Elizabeth was like to sit down with?

6. Often barrenness carried a lot of shame with it, especially for the woman. How do you think this may have affected how people saw her? How she saw herself?

7. How could not only becoming pregnant but becoming pregnant in a way similar to stories like Sarah's and Hannah's have impacted Elizabeth?

8. Have you had a bonding experience like Elizabeth and Mary? What was the impact for you?

9. Pray for and with one another.

Be in touch. Send us a text here.

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