The Harbour

Proverbs: Wisdom Passed Down

Season 1 Episode 16

Today, we kick off 2025 with a four-week series on the book of Proverbs. Sarah Lyew begins with a look at the nature of wisdom and how we can both seek to have it and grow within it. Just a reminder that, if you would like to join the WhatsApp group for Proverbs in January, you can do so here.

Please find the slide deck for this week's teaching here.

Home Church Questions:

1. What mental image to do you have when you think of someone who is wise?

2. What’s your favourite proverb? (from the Bible or elsewhere)

3. How would you define 'wisdom'? Does it change when you’re looking at biblical wisdom?

4. Read Proverbs 1:1-7 and 2:1-11. What stands out to you from these passages? Do you have any questions or anything that didn’t make sense?

5. What are the qualities of someone who is wise?

6. What role does discernment play in wisdom?

7. What does pursing wisdom look like in your life?

8. Think of someone who’s wisdom “spills over” into your life. How does that impact you?

9. Pray with and for one another.

Be in touch. Send us a text here.

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