The Harbour

I Am That I Am

Season 1 Episode 20

Today, Sarah Lyew kicks off our new series entitled "I Am..." where we will be looking at a variety of "I am..." statements that Christ offers in the Gospel of John. To start us off, though, we look back to the story of Moses and the burning bush in the early chapters of Exodus.

Song: "Great I Am" 

Please find the slide deck for this week's teaching here.

Home Church Questions:

1. Do you have a spot that means a lot to you? Why that place? 

2. Read Exodus 3:1-15. What stood out to you? What questions do you have? 

3. If you were Moses, what would your reaction to the burning bush be? 

4. Sarah shared that she can sometimes forget God’s power. Do you resonate with that? Why or why not? 

5. Do you have things in your life you’re afraid to ask God about? Why is that? 

6. Is there something in your life God could be asking you to trust Him with? Is there something He’s inviting you into that feels scary? What does trusting Him look like? 

7. Pray together and for each other in areas in your life you’re struggling to trust God with. 

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