The Harbour
We are a community of Christ followers who meet at the Newmarket SilverCity on Sundays at 10:00AM and throughout the week in various homes. For more information, please email sarah.lyew@theharbournewmarket.ca.
The Harbour
Celebration Sunday
This morning, we celebrated the launch of The Harbour with a Chili Cook-Off party and a teaching from Colin McCartney, the leader of Connect City, our new church partner. Colin shared what it means to be a wounded healer and how, at The Harbour, nobody is perfect but everyone is welcome.
Home Church Questions:
1. What are you celebrating as we launch The Harbour?
2. What is something that you have gone way out of your way for?
3. Read Luke 4:14-30. What stands out to you from this passage?
4. Read Isaiah 61:1-2. What is missing from Jesus's reading of this passage in Luke 4? Why do you think that is?
5. What has been your understanding of the term "anointing"? How can we detect the Lord's anointing?
6. What could preaching good news to the poor and setting the oppressed free look like here at The Harbour? What is that good news, exactly?
7. Describe a time when someone tried to help you without listening to what you needed but, instead, assuming to know what you needed. How did that work out?
8 What are the hallmarks of a beloved community? How can a beloved community change people?
9. Colin quoted Henri Nouwen when he said that the most powerful healers are wounded healers. He also asked, "Who can take away suffering without entering it?" Jesus himself was a wounded healer (Isaiah 53:4-5). What does being a "wounded healer" mean to you? What does it mean for us to be wounded healers in our community?
10. Pray with and for one another.
Be in touch. Send us a text here.
Instagram: @theharbournewmarket
Website: theharbournewmarket.ca
Email: sarah.lyew@theharbournewmarket.ca