The Harbour

I Am the Truth

The Harbour Season 1 Episode 25

This week, Sarah Lyew explores what Jesus meant when he said "I am the truth". Truth is a loaded and contentious topic these days with many people claiming it as their own or even building social media platforms in its name. When Jesus claimed to be the truth, he was making a huge and contentious claim. How are we to understand the truth and our relationship to the truth in the light of Christ?

Home Church Questions:

1. How do you know if you can trust someone? Or, How do you know if something is true?

2. What stood out to you from Sunday's teaching?

3. Read John 14:1-7 and 8:31-37. What stands out to you from these passages?

4. When Jesus says he is the truth, what do you think he means? 

5. What does it mean for the truth to set you free? Free from... what? Free to... what? 

6. How does truth impact relationships?

7. Does understanding Jesus as the embodiment of truth provide any clarity? If so, how does or should it change how we live? 

8. Do you trust Jesus? Why might someone have a hard time trusting him?

9. Read over the “Jesus says” statements below and, if you have time, read the verses attached. 

  • You are loved (John 3:16)
  • You are forgiven (1 John 1:9)
  • You are his child (John 1:12)
  • You are known (Matt 10:30-31)
  • You are a new creation (2 Cor 5:17)
  • You are reconciled through Jesus (2 Cor 2:18)
  • You are called to love God and others (Matt 22:36-40)
  • You are Christ’s ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20)
  • You are being transformed (2 Cor. 3:18)

Is there one or two on the list that resonate or stand out to you? Are there any you have a hard time with?

10. Pray with and for one another.

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